英日字典: ceaseless
The ceaseless has 1 Senses.
- unceasing, never-ending, ceaseless, perpetual, unremitting, constant, incessant
- 留処無い, 引っ切りない, 永続的, 弛み無い, 連綿たる, 脈々たる, 縷々たる, 引っ切り無い, 脈脈たる, 綿綿たる, 綿々たる, 縷縷たる, 止めどない, 止め処無い
- uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing; "the ceaseless thunder of surf"; "in constant pain"; "night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city"; "the never-ending search for happiness"; "the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy"; "man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation"; "unremitting demands of hunger"
- 時間内で途切れず、いつまでも長く続くさま
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