英日字典: cheer
KK Pronunciation
〔 tʃIr 〕
〔 tʃiә 〕
The cheer has 7 Senses.
- cheer
- 歓声, 応援, 喝采
- a cry or shout of approval
- 承認の叫びまたは歓声
- sunshine, cheer, cheerfulness, sunniness
- 晴れやかさ, 朗らかさ, にこやかさ, 明朗さ, 陽気, 明朗, 快活さ, 陽気さ
- the quality of being cheerful and dispelling gloom; "flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room"
- 快活で陰気を追いやる性質
- embolden, cheer, recreate, hearten
- 奨める, 勧める, 薦める, 応援, 力付ける, 励ます, 振起す, 鼓舞, 力づける, 勇気付ける
- give encouragement to
- 励ましを与える
- cheer
- 喝采
- show approval or good wishes by shouting; "everybody cheered the birthday boy"
- 叫び声で賛同または好意を示す
- jolly along, cheer up, jolly up, cheer
- 慰める
- cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful; "She tried to cheer up the disappointed child when he failed to win the spelling bee"
- (ひとに)より幸せに、または楽しくしてもらうようにする
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