英日字典: clear-cut
The clear-cut has 4 Senses.
- clear-cut, trenchant, distinct
- 昭然たる, 定か, 判然たる, 鮮明, 明瞭, 明か, ありありとした, 明快, 朗然たる, 了然たる, 明確
- clearly or sharply defined to the mind; "clear-cut evidence of tampering"; "Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest"; "trenchant distinctions between right and wrong"
- 明らかに、または鋭く、心に定義される
- clear-cut
- having had all the trees removed at one time; "clear-cut hillsides are subject to erosion"
- 一度にすべての木が取り除くようにする
- clear-cut, clear, clean-cut
- 灼然たる, 昭然たる, 審らか, 定か, 歴然たる, クリアー, 慥か, 明晰, クリア, シャープ, 判然たる, 章々たる, 截然たる, 自明, 瞭然たる, 鮮明, 明白, 現然たる, 明瞭, 明か, さやか, 明快, 明りょう, 朗然たる, 照照たる, 平明, 鮮やか, けざやか, 明らか, 画然たる, 章章たる, 昭昭たる, 了然たる, 分明, 昭々たる, 明確, 彰々たる, クリヤ, 明せき, 照々たる, せつ然たる, クリヤー, 彰彰たる, 劃然たる
- clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible; "as clear as a whistle"; "clear footprints in the snow"; "the letter brought back a clear image of his grandfather"; "a spire clean-cut against the sky"; "a clear-cut pattern"
- 感覚が明白で明瞭な
- clear-cut
- remove all the trees at one time; "clear-cut an acre of forest"
- 一回ですべての木を取り除く
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