

英日字典: closure

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˋkloʒZ 〕


〔 ˊklouʒә 〕

The closure has 8 Senses.

  • closing, closure
  • 接近
  • approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap; "the ship's rapid rate of closing gave them little time to avoid a collision"
  • 特定の目的地に近づくこと

  • law of closure, closure
  • a Gestalt principle of organization holding that there is an innate tendency to perceive incomplete objects as complete and to close or fill gaps and to perceive asymmetric stimuli as symmetric
  • 完全な、近接した、または隙間を埋めるものとして不完全な物体を知覚し、非対称の刺激を左右対称であると知覚する先天的な傾向があると考えるゲシュタルトの法則

  • cloture, closure
  • terminate debate by calling for a vote; "debate was closured"; "cloture the discussion"
  • 投票を求めることによって討論を終える

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