

英日字典: commonwealth

commonwealth   (Sound)

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˋkɑmәnˏwєlθ 〕


〔 ˊkɒmәnwelθ 〕

The commonwealth has 4 Senses.

  • commonwealth
  • the official name of some states in the United States (Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and Virginia and Kentucky) and associated territories (Puerto Rico)
  • 米国のいくつかの州(マサチューセッツ、ペンシルヴェニア、ヴァージニア、ケンタッキー)と、自治領(プエルトリコ)の公式名

  • nation, commonwealth, state, res publica, country, body politic, land
  • 連邦, 国家, ネーション, , 聯邦
  • a politically organized body of people under a single government; "the state has elected a new president"; "African nations"; "students who had come to the nation's capitol"; "the country's largest manufacturer"; "an industrialized land"
  • 単一の政府の下に政治的に組織された人々の集まり

  • commonwealth
  • a world organization of autonomous states that are united in allegiance to a central power but are not subordinate to it or to one another
  • 独立国の世界組織で、中央集権に対する忠誠で連合しているが、中央集権または互いに従属していない

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