英日字典: competition
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˏkɑmpәˋtIʃәn 〕
〔 ˏkɒmpiˊtiʃәn 〕
The competition has 4 Senses.
- competition
- 競合, 競争
- a business relation in which two parties compete to gain customers; "business competition can be fiendish at times"
- 2社が顧客の取得をめぐって競う商業上の関係
- competition, contest
- 競合い, ゲーム, 対戦, 争い, 競, 戦い, 戦, 勝負, 手合わせ, 争奪, 手合い, コンテスト, 競り合い, 較べ, コンペ, 競争, 腕比べ, 比べ, 合戦, コンクール, 競り, コンペティション, 競技, 争奪戦, 闘技, 力くらべ, コンペティッション, ダービー, 試合, 競べ, 勝負事, 対抗, 較
- an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants
- 2人以上の競争者から勝者が選ばれる機会
- competition, contention, rivalry
- 角逐, 競合い, 争, 張合, 張りあい, 争い, 競, 張り合い, 競い, 抗衡, 相克, 張合い, 相剋, 競り合い, 競合, 競争, 競り, 闘争, 太刀打ち, 対抗, 較
- the act of competing as for profit or a prize; "the teams were in fierce contention for first place"
- 利益や賞を目的として競う行為
- challenger, competitor, rival, contender, competition
- 競争相手, 敵人, 挑戦者, 敵, 対敵, ライバル, 相手, 競合者, 敵さん, 対抗者, 敵手, 対戦相手, ライヴァル
- the contestant you hope to defeat; "he had respect for his rivals"; "he wanted to know what the competition was doing"
- 打ち負かしたいと願う競争相手
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