英日字典: consume
KK Pronunciation
〔 kәnˋsum,-ˋsjum 〕
〔 kәnˊsjuːm,-ˊsuːm 〕
The consume has 6 Senses.
- down, devour, consume, go through
- 食い荒す, 食い尽くす, 喰尽くす, 食切る, 食いきる, 喰切る, 食べ尽くす, 喰尽す, 食い荒らす, 喰い尽くす, 喰い切る, 食尽す, 食尽くす, 食べつくす, 平らげる, 食い切る, 食べ尽す
- eat immoderately; "Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal"
- 過度に食べる
- ingest, take in, consume, have, take
- 摂する, 取入れる, 服用, 取り入れる, 服する, 経口摂取, 摂る, 摂取
- serve oneself to, or consume regularly; "Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don't take sugar in my coffee"
- 自身に供給する、あるいは定期的に摂取する
- ware, waste, consume, squander
- 無駄遣い, 無駄使い, 無駄遣, 徒費, 徒遣い, 空費, 徒銷, 浪費, 徒遣, 無駄づかい, 徒消
- spend extravagantly; "waste not, want not"
- 贅沢に費やす
- consume
- 破壊, 消滅させる
- destroy completely; "The fire consumed the building"
- 完全に破壊する
- use up, eat up, consume, eat, exhaust, deplete, run through, wipe out
- 摩切る, 消尽, 摺り切る, 使う, 摩り切る, 費す, 消耗, 消費, 遣う, 摺切る, 擦切る, 費やす, 擦り切る, 費消
- use up (resources or materials); "this car consumes a lot of gas"; "We exhausted our savings"; "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week"
- (資源または材料)使い果たす
- consume
- engage fully; "The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy"
- 完全に引き込む
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