英日字典: contrary
KK Pronunciation
〔 `kɑntrZrI 〕
〔 ˋkɒntrәri 〕
The contrary has 7 Senses.
- opposite, reverse, contrary
- 逆, リヴァース, 逆さ, さかさま, 逆さま, 対極, リバース, あべこべ, 相反
- a relation of direct opposition; "we thought Sue was older than Bill but just the reverse was true"
- 正反対の関係
- contrary
- 正反対
- exact opposition; "public opinion to the contrary he is not guilty"
- 全くの反対
- contrary
- 相反
- a logical relation such that two propositions are contraries if both cannot be true but both can be false
- 2つの命題は両者がともに真であり得ないが、ともに偽でありえない場合相反する
- contrary
- 正反対, ありゃこりゃ, あべこべ
- very opposed in nature or character or purpose; "acts contrary to our code of ethics"; "the facts point to a contrary conclusion"
- 自然または性格または目的において非常に反対である
- contrary
- 反対
- of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true but both may be false; "`hot' and `cold' are contrary terms"
- 両方が真実であるはずはないが、両方が間違っていると考えられるよう関係づけられた言葉あるいは提案
- perverse, contrary, wayward, obstinate
- 意地っぱり, 意地張り, 意固地, 一刻, 頑な, 一概, 固陋, 強情, 一徹, 剛情, 片情張り, 堅い, 片情張, 頑なしい, 狷介, 頑, 頑固, 情強, かたくな, 依怙地, いこじ, 片意地, 意地っ張り, 頑固一徹, 意地張, 固い, きかぬ気, えこじ, 利かぬ気
- resistant to guidance or discipline; "Mary Mary quite contrary"; "an obstinate child with a violent temper"; "a perverse mood"; "wayward behavior"
- 指南または規律に抵抗する
- contrary, adverse
- in an opposing direction; "adverse currents"; "a contrary wind"
- 反対方向に
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