英日字典: damage
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋdæmIdʒ 〕
〔 ˊdæmidʒ 〕
The damage has 7 Senses.
- harm, damage, impairment
- 害悪, 不都合, 害, 毀傷, 禍害, 毀損, 厄, 傷害, ダメージ, 厄難, 損傷, 危害, 損壊, 弊害, 損害
- the occurrence of a change for the worse
- 悪い方へ変化する出来事
- scathe, harm, damage, hurt
- 賊害, 加害, 毀傷, 毀損, 打撃, 破損, 傷害, 蠹毒, き損, 損傷, 荼毒, 損壊, 損害
- the act of damaging something or someone
- 何か、またはだれかを傷つける行為
- terms, price, damage
- 値, 値段, 代金, 価格, 料, 代, 代価, 価額, お代, プライス
- the amount of money needed to purchase something; "the price of gasoline"; "he got his new car on excellent terms"; "how much is the damage?"
- 何かを買うのに要する金額
- legal injury, wrong, damage
- 法的損害
- any harm or injury resulting from a violation of a legal right
- 法的権利の侵害による害や損害のどれか
- damage
- 損なう, 損じる, 害う, 害する, 毀傷, 毀損, 傷める, 疵付ける, 破損, 傷つける, 疵つける, 損傷, 棄損, 損う, 傷付ける, 損壊, 害なう, 損害
- inflict damage upon; "The snow damaged the roof"; "She damaged the car when she hit the tree"
- 損害を与える
- damage
- 損傷
- suffer or be susceptible to damage; "These fine china cups damage easily"
- 苦しむか、損害に影響されやすい
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