

英日字典: day_lily

The day_lily has 2 Senses.

  • day lily, plantain lily
  • 擬宝珠, ギボウシ
  • any of numerous perennials having mounds of sumptuous broad ribbed leaves and clusters of white, blue, or lilac flowers; used as ground cover
  • 大量の豪勢な幅広い波型の葉と白、青、あるいはライラック色の花房を有する多数の多年生植物の総称

  • day lily, daylily
  • カンゾウ
  • any of numerous perennials having tuberous roots and long narrow bladelike leaves and usually yellow lily-like flowers that bloom for only a day
  • 塊根と長く狭い刃のような葉と一日しか咲かない通常黄色いユリのような花を持つ多くの多年生植物の総称

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