英日字典: dust
KK Pronunciation
〔 dʌst 〕
〔 dʌst 〕
The dust has 7 Senses.
- dust
- 塵埃, 微塵, 埃, 砂ぼこり, 砂塵, 風塵, ダスト, 土埃, ほこり
- fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in the air; "the furniture was covered with dust"
- 乾いたや花粉など、大気中のあちこちを吹き飛ばされる細かな粒子状の物質
- debris, rubble, detritus, junk, dust
- 破片, 屑物, 砕片, 瓦礫, 屑, ごみ, がらくた, くず, くず物
- the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up
- 破壊されたもの、またはばらばらにされたものの残骸
- dust
- free microscopic particles of solid material; "astronomers say that the empty space between planets actually contains measurable amounts of dust"
- 固体材料の遊離微細な粒子
- dust
- remove the dust from; "dust the cabinets"
- ほこりを取り除く
- dust
- rub the dust over a surface so as to blur the outlines of a shape; "The artist dusted the charcoal drawing down to a faint image"
- 形の概略をぼやけさせるために、粉末で表面をこする
- dust
- cover with a light dusting of a substance; "dust the bread with flour"
- 物質の弱い消毒性傷薬により保護する
- disperse, sprinkle, scatter, dust, dot
- 散じる, 扱き散らす, 散ずる, 撒き散らす, 散らす, 振撒く, 撒きちらす, 撒散す, 振りまく, 撒く, 散す, 散らばす, 撒散らす, まき散らす, 振り撒く
- distribute loosely; "He scattered gun powder under the wagon"
- 緩く分布する
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