

英日字典: endorsement

endorsement   (Sound)

KK Pronunciation

〔 -mәnt 〕


〔 -mәnt 〕

The endorsement has 5 Senses.

  • indorsement, endorsement, blurb
  • 宣伝文
  • a promotional statement (as found on the dust jackets of books); "the author got all his friends to write blurbs for his book"
  • 販促のための(書籍の腰巻カバーに見られるような)記述

  • indorsement, endorsement
  • 裏書き, 賛同, 裏書
  • a signature that validates something; "the cashier would not cash the check without an endorsement"
  • 何かを有効にする署名

  • indorsement, endorsement
  • 賛同, 是認
  • the act of endorsing; "a star athlete can make a lot of money from endorsements"
  • 保証する行為

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