英日字典: exposure
KK Pronunciation
〔 IkˋspoʒZ 〕
〔 ikˊspouʒә 〕
The exposure has 10 Senses.
- exposure
- 曝露, さらされている状態
- vulnerability to the elements; to the action of heat or cold or wind or rain; "exposure to the weather" or "they died from exposure";
- 要素への脆弱性
- exposure
- 影響に身をさらすこと
- the act of subjecting someone to an influencing experience; "she denounced the exposure of children to pornography"
- 影響を及ぼすような経験を人にさせる行為
- exposure
- 摘発, 露顕, 発覚, 露見, 曝露, 露呈, 暴露, 素っ破抜き
- the disclosure of something secret; "they feared exposure of their campaign plans"
- 秘密だったものをばらすこと
- exposure
- aspect resulting from the direction a building or window faces; "the studio had a northern exposure"
- 建物または窓が面している方向から起きる面
- exposure, vulnerability
- 露出, 脆弱性
- the state of being vulnerable or exposed; "his vulnerability to litigation"; "his exposure to ridicule"
- 攻撃されやすく、危険に曝されている状態
- exposure
- 露出
- the intensity of light falling on a photographic film or plate; "he used the wrong exposure"
- 写真フィルムまたは写真版に注いでいる光の強度
- exposure, photo, pic, picture, photograph
- フォトグラフ, 映, ブロマイド, フォト, プロマイド, 画像, 映し絵, 光画, ピクチャー, 影像, フィルムの1コマ, 写真, 写真絵
- a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material
- 人物あるいは場面のプリントまたは透明なスライドの形の表現
- exposure
- 暴露
- presentation to view in an open or public manner; "the exposure of his anger was shocking"
- 公然と、または公的に見るために発表すること
- exposure
- abandoning without shelter or protection (as by leaving as infant out in the open)
- シェルターまたは保護なしで捨てる(野外に幼児など置き去りにする)
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