

英日字典: former

KK Pronunciation

〔 `fɒrmL 〕


〔 ˋfɒ:mә 〕

The former has 5 Senses.

  • former
  • 前者
  • the first of two or the first mentioned of two; "Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the former is remembered today"
  • 2者のうち最初の、または最初に名を挙げられたもの

  • former
  • 前の
  • referring to the first of two things or persons mentioned (or the earlier one or ones of several); "the novel was made into a film in 1943 and again in 1967; I prefer the former version to the latter one"
  • 言及された2つのものまたは人の最初のもの(あるいは、いくつかのうちの最初のひとつ)を参照する

  • former, late, previous
  • (used especially of persons) of the immediate past; "the former president"; "our late President is still very active"; "the previous occupant of the White House"
  • (特に人々に使用される)すぐ前の過去の

  • other, former, early
  • 旧い, 古い
  • belonging to the distant past; "the early inhabitants of Europe"; "former generations"; "in other times"
  • 大昔に属すさま

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