

英日字典: foxtail_grass

foxtail grass   (TTS Sound)

The foxtail_grass has 2 Senses.

  • lycopodium alopecuroides, foxtail grass
  • ground pine thickly covered with bristly leaves; widely distributed in barren sandy or peaty moist coastal regions of eastern and southeastern United States
  • 堅い葉が密生したヒカゲノカズラ

  • foxtail grass, foxtail
  • エノコログサ
  • grasses of the genera Alopecurus and Setaria having dense silky or bristly brushlike flowering spikes
  • 密集した、滑らかまたは剛毛質の筆のような花のつく穂状花序を持つ、スズメノテッポウ属とエノコログサ属

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