英日字典: fringe
KK Pronunciation
〔 frIndʒ 〕
〔 frindʒ 〕
The fringe has 8 Senses.
- fringe, outskirt
- 町外れ
- a part of the city far removed from the center; "they built a factory on the outskirts of the city"
- 都市の中心からずっと離れた都市の一部
- interference fringe, fringe
- 干渉縞
- one of the light or dark bands produced by the interference and diffraction of light
- 光の干渉と回折によって生じられる明るいか暗いバンドのうちの1つ
- fringe
- a social group holding marginal or extreme views; "members of the fringe believe we should be armed with guns at all times"
- 非主流の、または極端な意見を持つ社会集団
- bang, fringe
- a border of hair that is cut short and hangs across the forehead
- 短く切られて、額の上に掛かっている髪の境界
- fringe
- an ornamental border consisting of short lengths of hanging threads or tassels
- 短めの吊り下げ糸、あるいは房からなる、装飾用の縁取り
- fringe
- adorn with a fringe; "The weaver fringed the scarf"
- フリンジで飾る
- fringe
- decorate with or as if with a surrounding fringe; "fur fringed the hem of the dress"
- 装飾する、縁で取り囲んむように装飾する
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