英日字典: goldbrick
The goldbrick has 6 Senses.
- goldbrick
- ずるっこける
- a soldier who performs his duties without proper care or effort
- しかるべき苦労もなく楽な兵役を勤める兵士
- goldbrick
- ずるっこける
- a brick-shaped block that looks like gold but is not
- 金のように見えるがそうでないれんが形ブロック
- goldbrick
- ずるっこける
- anything that is supposed to be valuable but turns out to be worthless
- 価値のあるように思えるが、無価値と分かってしまうようなもの
- short-change, swindle, bunco, scam, con, victimize, defraud, nobble, gyp, rook, hornswoggle, diddle, gip, goldbrick, mulct
- まやかす, 謀る, 巻上げる, 謀つ, 鴨る, 誑かす, 担ぐ, 騙る, 誑す, 誑る, 巻きあげる, 嵌め込む, 欺罔, 詐取, 誑しこむ, 詐る, 騙す, 誑込む, 誑し込む
- deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"
- 偽りにより奪う
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