

英日字典: grievous

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˋgrivәs 〕


〔 ˊɡriːvәs 〕

The grievous has 4 Senses.

  • heartrending, heartbreaking, grievous
  • 悲痛, 痛ましい
  • causing or marked by grief or anguish; "a grievous loss"; "a grievous cry"; "her sigh was heartbreaking"; "the heartrending words of Rabin's granddaughter"
  • 深い悲しみ、または苦悩をもたらす、あるいはそれらを特徴とするさま

  • grave, heavy, grievous, weighty
  • 重大
  • of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought; "grave responsibilities"; "faced a grave decision in a time of crisis"; "a grievous fault"; "heavy matters of state"; "the weighty matters to be discussed at the peace conference"
  • かなりの深刻さまたはとても重要な

  • flagitious, atrocious, monstrous, grievous
  • すさまじい
  • shockingly brutal or cruel; "murder is an atrocious crime"; "a grievous offense against morality"; "a grievous crime"; "no excess was too monstrous for them to commit"
  • ひどく残忍な、または残酷な

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