英日字典: gun
KK Pronunciation
〔 gʌn 〕
〔 ɡʌn 〕
The gun has 8 Senses.
- gun
- 鉄砲, 火器, ガン
- a weapon that discharges a missile at high velocity (especially from a metal tube or barrel)
- 高速で弾丸を発射する武器(特に金属管または砲身から)
- gun, gunman
- ガンマン
- a person who shoots a gun (as regards their ability)
- 銃を撃つ人(能力に留意して)
- gun, grease-gun
- a hand-operated pump that resembles a revolver; forces grease into parts of a machine
- リボルバーに類似している手動のポンプ
- gun
- the discharge of a firearm as signal or as a salute in military ceremonies; "two runners started before the gun"; "a twenty gun salute"
- 軍隊の儀式における、合図または敬意としての大砲の発射
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