英日字典: heave
KK Pronunciation
〔 hiv 〕
〔 hiːv 〕
The heave has 14 Senses.
- heaving, heave
- an upward movement (especially a rhythmical rising and falling); "the heaving of waves on a rough sea"
- 上方への動き(特にリズミカルな上下の)
- heave
- (geology) a horizontal dislocation
- 水平断層
- heaving, heave
- the act of lifting something with great effort
- 何かを力いっぱい持ち上げる行為
- retch, heave
- an involuntary spasm of ineffectual vomiting; "a bad case of the heaves"
- 効果のない嘔吐の不随意の発作
- lift, raise, heave
- the act of raising something; "he responded with a lift of his eyebrow"; "fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up"
- 何かを上げる行為
- heaving, heave
- throwing something heavy (with great effort); "he gave it a mighty heave"; "he was not good at heaving passes"
- 重い物を(努力して)投げること
- heave
- utter a sound, as with obvious effort; "She heaved a deep sigh when she saw the list of things to do"
- 明らかな努力で音を発する
- heave
- throw with great effort
- 大きな努力をして投げる
- heave
- move or cause to move in a specified way, direction, or position; "The vessel hove into sight"
- 特殊な方法で、方向へまたは位置で動くまたは動くようにする
- gasp, puff, heave, pant
- 息切れ, 喘ぐ
- breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted; "The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily"
- 荒々しく呼吸する、疲れ切っている時のように
- warp, buckle, heave
- bend out of shape, as under pressure or from heat; "The highway buckled during the heat wave"
- 圧力や熱などによって曲がり、形が崩れる
- gag, retch, heave
- make an unsuccessful effort to vomit; strain to vomit
- 吐こうとして失敗する
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