英日字典: impressiveness
The impressiveness has 2 Senses.
- grandness, impressiveness, richness, magnificence
- 壮観, 豪壮さ, 壮麗さ, 壮麗, 雄大さ, 豪盛, 壮大さ, 絢爛さ, 立派さ, 豪華, 壮観さ, 広壮さ, 宏壮さ, 豪奢, 遠大さ
- splendid or imposing in size or appearance; "the grandness of the architecture"; "impressed by the richness of the flora"
- 大きさや外見において立派で堂々としている
- impressiveness
- the quality of making a strong or vivid impression on the mind
- 心に強いか鮮明な印象を与える質
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