

英日字典: infernal

KK Pronunciation

〔 InˋfFnL 〕


〔 inˊfәːnl 〕

The infernal has 6 Senses.

  • infernal
  • an inhabitant of Hell; "his roar made the infernals quake"
  • 地獄に住むもの

  • infernal
  • characteristic of or resembling Hell; "infernal noise"; "infernal punishment"
  • 地獄に特徴的な、または、地獄に似ている

  • satanic, diabolic, demonic, hellish, fiendish, infernal, diabolical, unholy
  • 兇悪, 非道, 凶悪
  • extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell; "something demonic in him--something that could be cruel"; "fires lit up a diabolic scene"; "diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils"; "a fiendish despot"; "hellish torture"; "infernal instruments of war"; "satanic cruelty"; "unholy grimaces"
  • 極端に悪いまたは残酷な

  • darned, damn, blasted, goddamned, damned, goddamn, blamed, blame, infernal, deuced, goddam, blessed
  • どもめ
  • expletives used informally as intensifiers; "he's a blasted idiot"; "it's a blamed shame"; "a blame cold winter"; "not a blessed dime"; "I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing"; "he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool"; "a deuced idiot"; "an infernal nuisance"
  • 強意語としてくだけた表現で使用される虚辞

  • infernal
  • of or pertaining to or characteristic of a very uncontrolled and intense fire; "infernal heat"
  • とても制御できない強烈な炎の、とても制御できない強烈な炎に関する、または、とても制御できない強烈な炎に特徴的な

  • infernal
  • being of the underworld; "infernal regions"
  • 黄泉の国のものであるさま

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