

英日字典: infliximab

The infliximab has 2 Senses.

  • remicade, infliximab
  • a monoclonal antibody (trade name Remicade) used to treat Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis; administered by infusion; use and dosage must be determined by a physician
  • クローン病とリウマチ様関節炎を治療するのに使用されるモノクロナール抗体(商標名レミケイド)

  • remicade, infliximab
  • インフリキシマブ, レミケード
  • an anti-TNF compound (trade name Remicade) consisting of an antibody directed against TNF; it is given intravenously at one-month to three-month intervals; used in treatment of regional enteritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • TNFに対して向けられた抗体から成る反TNF化合物(商標名レミケード)

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