英日字典: jet
KK Pronunciation
〔 dʒZt 〕
〔 dʒєt 〕
The jet has 9 Senses.
- jet
- a hard black form of lignite that takes a brilliant polish and is used in jewelry or ornamentation
- 褐炭の硬くて黒い形態で、艶やかな光沢を帯び、宝石や装飾に用いられる
- blue jet, reverse lightning, jet
- atmospheric discharges (lasting 10 msec) bursting from the tops of giant storm clouds in blue cones that widen as they flash upward
- 上空へ向ってピカッと光るとき広くなる青い円錐状の巨大なあらし雲の上から突然起こる(100分の1秒続く)大気中の放電
- fountain, jet
- 噴水, 泉
- an artificially produced flow of water
- 人工的に作った水の噴出
- jet, gush
- 噴出
- issue in a jet; come out in a jet; stream or spring forth; "Water jetted forth"; "flames were jetting out of the building"
- 噴出させる
- jet
- fly a jet plane
- ジェット機を飛ばす
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