英日字典: kite
KK Pronunciation
〔 kaIt 〕
〔 kait 〕
The kite has 8 Senses.
- kite
- a bank check that has been fraudulently altered to increase its face value
- 額面を増加させるように不正に改良された銀行小切手
- kite
- a bank check drawn on insufficient funds at another bank in order to take advantage of the float
- 変動相場を利用するためにもう一つの銀行の残高不足で振り出される銀行小切手
- kite
- 紙鳶, いか, いかのぼり, 紙凧, 凧, カイト
- plaything consisting of a light frame covered with tissue paper; flown in wind at end of a string
- ティッシュペーパーでおおわれている軽い骨組みからなるおもちゃ
- kite
- トビ
- any of several small graceful hawks of the family Accipitridae having long pointed wings and feeding on insects and small animals
- 長く尖った翼を持ち昆虫や小動物を主食とするワシタカ目ワシタカ科の各種の小型で優美なタカ類の鳥
- kite
- increase the amount (of a check) fraudulently; "He kited many checks"
- (点検)の量を不正に増加する
- kite
- get credit or money by using a bad check; "The businessman kited millions of dollars"
- 不渡り小切手を用いて預金または金を得る
- kite
- soar or fly like a kite; "The pilot kited for a long time over the mountains"
- タコのように舞いあがり空高く飛ぶ
- kite
- fly a kite; "Kids were kiting in the park"; "They kited the Red Dragon model"
- たこを揚げる
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