英日字典: leg
KK Pronunciation
〔 lєg 〕
〔 leɡ 〕
The leg has 9 Senses.
- leg
- 骭, 下腿, 脚, 脛, 脚部
- a human limb; commonly used to refer to a whole limb but technically only the part of the limb between the knee and ankle
- 人間の手足
- leg
- 肢, 脚, 足, 脚部
- a structure in animals that is similar to a human leg and used for locomotion
- 人間の脚に似ており、移動に使われる動物の構造
- leg
- 脚, 足, 脚部
- one of the supports for a piece of furniture
- 1個の家具を支える物の1つ
- branch, ramification, leg
- a part of a forked or branching shape; "he broke off one of the branches"
- 分岐した、または枝分かれした形の一部分
- leg
- 脚, 足
- the limb of an animal used for food
- 食用に使われる動物の手足
- leg
- 骭, 足, 脛, 脚部
- a cloth covering consisting of the part of a pair of trousers that covers a person's leg
- 脚を覆うズボンの部分服
- leg
- (nautical) the distance traveled by a sailing vessel on a single tack
- 1タックで帆船が進む距離
- leg, stage
- 区間, 行程
- a section or portion of a journey or course; "then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise"
- 旅または筋道の一部または区分
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