

英日字典: numb

KK Pronunciation

〔 nʌm 〕


〔 nʌm 〕

The numb has 4 Senses.

  • asleep, numb, benumbed
  • 無感覚
  • lacking sensation; "my foot is asleep"; "numb with cold"
  • 知覚が欠如しているさま

  • dead, numb
  • (followed by `to') not showing human feeling or sensitivity; unresponsive; "passersby were dead to our plea for help"; "numb to the cries for mercy"
  • 人間的な感情または感受性を示さないさま

  • numb
  • so frightened as to be unable to move; stunned or paralyzed with terror; petrified; "too numb with fear to move"
  • 動くことができないくらい怯えているさま

  • numb, benumb, dull, blunt
  • make numb or insensitive; "The shock numbed her senses"
  • 無感覚または無神経にする

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