英日字典: old-hat
The old-hat has 2 Senses.
- timeworn, hackneyed, trite, old-hat, threadbare, commonplace, stock, tired, shopworn, banal, well-worn
- 人並み, 何の変哲もない, 有りふれた, 平凡, 陳腐, 庸劣, 月次, 月なみ, 人なみ, 平平たる, 凡常, 月並み, 凡下, 平々たる, 平々凡々たる, 何の変哲も無い, 平俗, 有り触れた, 凡庸, 凡, 平平凡凡たる, 凡俗
- repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; "bromidic sermons"; "his remarks were trite and commonplace"; "hackneyed phrases"; "a stock answer"; "repeating threadbare jokes"; "parroting some timeworn axiom"; "the trite metaphor `hard as nails'"
- 余りに頻繁に繰り返される
- old-fashioned, passee, demode, antique, passe, ex, old-hat, outmoded
- 時代違い, 前時代的, 前近代的, 旧式, 古臭い, 時代ちがい, 古くさい, 昔風, 大時代, 時代違, 古めかしい
- out of fashion; "a suit of rather antique appearance"; "demode (or outmoded) attire"; "outmoded ideas"
- 時代遅れ
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