英日字典: pickup
The pickup has 9 Senses.
- pickup
- 逮捕状
- a warrant to take someone into custody; "put out a pickup on that man"
- 誰かを拘留する令状
- pickup, pick-me-up
- anything with restorative powers; "she needed the pickup that coffee always gave her"
- 元気を回復させる力を持つもの
- pickup
- a casual acquaintance; often made in hope of sexual relationships
- 思いがけず知り合った人
- pickup, getaway
- the attribute of being capable of rapid acceleration; "his car has a lot of pickup"
- 速い加速が可能なことの特性
- pickup, cartridge
- an electro-acoustic transducer that is the part of the arm of a record player that holds the needle and that is removable
- レコードプレーヤーの針を持ったアームの部分で、取り外しが可能である電子音響振動子
- pickup
- the act or process of picking up or collecting from various places; "garbage pickup is on Mondays and Thursdays"
- 増加するか、さまざまな場所から集まる行為またはプロセス
- pickup
- ピックアップ
- the act of taking aboard passengers or freight
- 乗客や積荷を乗せる行為
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