

英日字典: power

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˋpaUZ 〕


〔 ˊpauә 〕

The power has 10 Senses.

  • power, powerfulness
  • パワー,
  • possession of controlling influence; "the deterrent power of nuclear weapons"; "the power of his love saved her"; "his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade"
  • 影響を支配する所有権

  • power
  • 仕事率, 工率
  • (physics) the rate of doing work; measured in watts (= joules/second)
  • 仕事をするときの工率

  • power, office
  • 権力, パワー,
  • (of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power; "being in office already gives a candidate a great advantage"; "during his first year in office"; "during his first year in power"; "the power of the president"
  • (政府または役人について)役職に就くことは、政権の座にいることを意味する

  • force, power
  • 有力者, 権力者
  • one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority; "the mysterious presence of an evil power"; "may the force be with you"; "the forces of evil"
  • 力や影響力、または権威を有していたり行使したりする人

  • index, power, exponent
  • 指数
  • a mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself
  • 数がそれ自身によって掛けられる回数を示す数学の記号法

  • power
  • 発動
  • supply the force or power for the functioning of; "The gasoline powers the engines"
  • 機能させるため、勢いまたは力を供給する

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