

英日字典: qualify

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˋkwɑlәˏfaI 〕


〔 ˊkwɒlifai 〕

The qualify has 7 Senses.

  • measure up, qualify
  • prove capable or fit; meet requirements
  • 能力がある、または適切であることを証明する

  • qualify
  • pronounce fit or able; "She was qualified to run the marathon"; "They nurses were qualified to administer the injections"
  • 適当であるか有能であると断言する

  • dispose, qualify
  • make fit or prepared; "Your education qualifies you for this job"
  • 合わせる、または、準備させる

  • specify, condition, qualify, stipulate
  • 規定, 明記, 指定, 特定
  • specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement; "The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life"; "The contract stipulates the dates of the payments"
  • 契約または合意において望ましい状態または資格として指定する

  • modify, qualify
  • 修飾
  • add a modifier to a constituent
  • 構成に修正を加える

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