英日字典: rail
KK Pronunciation
〔 rєl 〕
〔 rєil 〕
The rail has 15 Senses.
- rail
- 鉄道
- short for railway; "he traveled by rail"; "he was concerned with rail safety"
- 鉄道(railway)の省略
- rail, runway, track, rails
- 線路, レール, 軌跡, 軌道
- a bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll
- 鉄道車両または他の車両が走行できる沿線を作る圧延鋼材の平行棒あるいは一組の棒
- rail
- レール
- a horizontal bar (usually of wood or metal)
- (通常、木または金属製の)水平の棒
- rail
- any of numerous widely distributed small wading birds of the family Rallidae having short wings and very long toes for running on soft mud
- 柔らかい泥において動くために非常に長いつま先と短い翼をもつクイナ科のとても多い広くみられる小さな渉禽類の鳥のどれか
- rail in, rail
- 漫罵
- enclose with rails; "rail in the old graves"
- 柵によって取り囲む
- rail
- 漫罵
- provide with rails; "The yard was railed"
- レールを支給する
- rail, rail off
- 仕切る
- separate with a railing; "rail off the crowds from the Presidential palace"
- 手すりで仕切る
- rail
- 漫罵
- convey (goods etc.) by rails; "fresh fruit are railed from Italy to Belgium"
- レールで(ものなど)運ぶ
- rail, train
- travel by rail or train; "They railed from Rome to Venice"; "She trained to Hamburg"
- 鉄道または列車で旅行する
- rail
- 敷く, 敷設
- lay with rails; "hundreds of miles were railed out here"
- レールを敷く
- rail
- 漫罵
- fish with a handline over the rails of a boat; "They are railing for fresh fish"
- ボートの手すりを超えて手釣り糸で釣りをする
- revile, vituperate, rail, vilify
- spread negative information about; "The Nazi propaganda vilified the Jews"
- 悪い情報を流す
- fulminate, rail
- 漫罵, 痛罵, 叱責
- criticize severely; "He fulminated against the Republicans' plan to cut Medicare"; "She railed against the bad social policies"
- 厳しく非難する
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