英日字典: replication
The replication has 7 Senses.
- replication, reproduction
- コピー, 臨画, 写し, コッピー, 摸写, 写し物, 複写, 模写, 写物, 複製
- the act of making copies; "Gutenberg's reproduction of holy texts was far more efficient"
- 再生する行為
- replication
- (genetics) the process whereby DNA makes a copy of itself before cell division
- DNAが細胞分裂の前に自身の複製を作る過程
- riposte, rejoinder, return, replication, retort, comeback, counter
- 即答
- a quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one); "it brought a sharp rejoinder from the teacher"
- 質問や意見に対する返事(通例ウイットに富んだあるいは批判的なもの)
- replication
- (law) a pleading made by a plaintiff in reply to the defendant's plea or answer
- 被告の抗弁または答弁に対して原告がする弁論
- echo, sound reflection, replication, reverberation
- 残響音, 山びこ, 山彦, 反響, 残響, エコー, 谺, 木魂, 木霊
- the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves; "she could hear echoes of her own footsteps"
- 音波の反射による音の反復
- replication, replica, reproduction
- 模造, 偽物, 写し, 贋, リプリケーション, 複製品, 贋物, レプリカ, 摸写, 摸造, 写し物, 複写, 模写, 写物, 複製, 副書, にせ物
- copy that is not the original; something that has been copied
- オリジナルでないコピー
- replication
- the repetition of an experiment in order to test the validity of its conclusion; "scientists will not believe an experimental result until they have seen at least one replication"
- 結果の有効性を検査するために実験を繰り返す
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