英日字典: roughness
The roughness has 7 Senses.
- raggedness, roughness
- 凸凹, ラフさ, 粗さ, 凹凸
- a texture of a surface or edge that is not smooth but is irregular and uneven
- 滑らかでないが不連続ででこぼこの表面または端の繊維
- harshness, roughness
- 荒荒しさ, 荒っぽさ, 荒々しさ, 殺伐さ, 刺刺しさ, 苛烈, 耳障り, 険, 荒さ, がさがさ, 刺々しさ
- the quality of being unpleasant (harsh or rough or grating) to the senses
- 感覚に不快である質(荒い、雑であるあるいは不快感を与える)
- crudeness, roughness
- ラフさ, 粗っぽさ, 荒荒しさ, 荒っぽさ, 武骨, 荒々しさ, 荒くれ, 粗さ, 粗野, 粗暴さ, 蛮骨, 荒さ, 無骨
- an unpolished unrefined quality; "the crudeness of frontier dwellings depressed her"
- 磨きがかけられていない、洗練されていない性質
- rough water, choppiness, roughness
- used of the sea during inclement or stormy weather
- 険悪であるか嵐の天気のときに海に使用される
- pitting, indentation, roughness
- 凸凹, 点食
- the formation of small pits in a surface as a consequence of corrosion
- 腐食の結果として表面上に小さい穴を形成すること
- roughness
- 荒さ
- harsh or severe speech or behavior; "men associate the roughness of nonstandard working-class speech with masculinity"; "the roughness of her voice was a signal to keep quiet"
- 粗いまたは辛辣なスピーチまたは振舞い
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