英日字典: salute
KK Pronunciation
〔 sәˋlut 〕
〔 sәˊluːt 〕
The salute has 9 Senses.
- salutation, salute
- 挨拶, 敬礼
- an act of honor or courteous recognition; "a musical salute to the composer on his birthday"
- 名誉または丁重な認知の行為
- salute
- 会釈, 挨拶
- an act of greeting with friendly words and gestures like bowing or lifting the hat
- 友好的な言葉と、腰をかがめたり、帽子を上げたりするようなジェスチャーで挨拶する行為
- drink, salute, wassail, toast, pledge
- 乾盃, 乾杯
- propose a toast to; "Let us toast the birthday girl!"; "Let's drink to the New Year"
- 乾杯を持ちかける
- salute
- 敬礼
- greet in a friendly way; "I meet this men every day on my way to work and he salutes me"
- 愛想よく挨拶する
- salute
- express commendation of; "I salute your courage!"
- 称賛を表現する
- salute
- become noticeable; "a terrible stench saluted our nostrils"
- 目立つようになる
- salute
- honor with a military ceremony, as when honoring dead soldiers
- 戦死者に敬意を表して、軍の式典で名誉を与える
- salute, present
- 敬礼
- recognize with a gesture prescribed by a military regulation; assume a prescribed position; "When the officers show up, the soldiers have to salute"
- 軍事規則で定められた身振りで称える
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