英日字典: scrape
KK Pronunciation
〔 skrep 〕
〔 skreip 〕
The scrape has 10 Senses.
- scrape, abrasion, scratch, excoriation
- 掠傷, 擦疵, 擦痕, 擦り傷, すり傷, 掠疵, 擦りきず, すりむけ, 擦過傷, 擦り疵, 掠り傷, 擦傷, かすり傷, すり疵, 掠り疵, かすり疵
- an abraded area where the skin is torn or worn off
- 皮が引き裂かれる、または擦り切れてすりむいた部分
- scrape, scraping
- 擦過
- a deep bow with the foot drawn backwards (indicating excessive humility); "all that bowing and scraping did not impress him"
- お辞儀をしながら後ろへ片足を音を立てて引くこと(過剰な恭順を示す)
- scrape, scar, scratch, mark
- 創痕, 引っ攣り, 切疵, 掻傷, 疵ぐち, 疵あと, 引っつれ, 瘢痕, 残痕, 掠傷, 擦疵, 引っ攣れ, 痕跡, 引き攣り, 引っつり, 創痍, 擦痕, 引攣り, 掻き疵, 擦り傷, すり傷, 掠疵, 微傷, 掻疵, 痕, 傷口, 浅傷, 古疵, 爪痕, 擦りきず, 疵口, 摺, 傷痕, 古傷, 引攣, 疵跡, 切傷, 摩れ, きず口, 摩, 切り疵, 擦過傷, 傷, 疵, 擦り疵, 微瑕, 掠り傷, 擦傷, かすり傷, 傷ぐち, 掠り, 古創, 摺れ, 瘡痕, すり疵, 擦れ, 掠り疵, 爪跡, 疵痕, 傷跡, かすり疵, 掻き傷
- an indication of damage
- 損傷の印
- scrape, grate
- 掻く, 引っ掻く
- scratch repeatedly; "The cat scraped at the armchair"
- 繰り返して引っ掻jく
- scrape
- make by scraping; "They scraped a letter into the stone"
- こすることによって、作る
- scrape, kowtow, genuflect
- bend the knees and bow in a servile manner
- ひざを曲げて、奴隷のようにお辞儀をする
- scratch, scrape, scrape up, come up
- 捻出す, 掻集める, 掻き集める, 掻きあつめる
- gather (money or other resources) together over time; "She had scraped together enough money for college"; "they scratched a meager living"
- 時間とともに一緒に集める(お金または他の資源)
- scrape, skin
- 剥す, 剥ぐ, 剥がす
- bruise, cut, or injure the skin or the surface of; "The boy skinned his knee when he fell"
- 皮膚または表面にあざを作る、切る、または、負傷する
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