

英日字典: slenderness

The slenderness has 3 Senses.

  • slenderness
  • the quality of being slight or inadequate; "he knew the slenderness of my wallet"; "the slenderness of the chances that anything would be done"; "the slenderness of the evidence"
  • わずかである、または不十分である性質

  • tenuity, slenderness, thinness
  • 細さ, 薄さ
  • relatively small dimension through an object as opposed to its length or width; "the tenuity of a hair"; "the thinness of a rope"
  • ある物体の長さや幅に対して、それを貫通する寸法が比較的小さいこと

  • slightness, slenderness, slimness
  • the property of an attractively thin person
  • 魅力的に痩せている人の特性

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