

英日字典: solidness

The solidness has 4 Senses.

  • solid state, solidness, solid
  • 固体, ソリッド, 固態, 固形体, 固形
  • the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape
  • 物質が適度の圧力の下で流れ出る性質を持っていない状態

  • solidity, solidness
  • the quality of being solid and reliable financially or factually or morally; "the solidity of the evidence worked in his favor"; "the solidness of her faith gave her enduring hope"
  • 財政的に、実際にまたは道徳的に堅実で信頼のおける特性

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