英日字典: splash
KK Pronunciation
〔 splæʃ 〕
〔 splæʃ 〕
The splash has 13 Senses.
- splash, stir
- a prominent or sensational but short-lived news event; "he made a great splash and then disappeared"
- 目立って驚くべきであるが、短命なニュースの出来事
- splash, splatter, dab
- a small quantity of something moist or liquid; "a dab of paint"; "a splatter of mud"; "just a splash of whiskey"
- 少量の何か湿ったもしくは柔らかいもの
- splash
- a patch of bright color; "her red hat gave her outfit a splash of color"
- 明るい色のつぎ布
- splash, splashing
- the act of scattering water about haphazardly
- 水をでたらめに撒く行為
- sprinkle, splosh, splash
- 振りかける, 振りまく, 振り掛ける, 振り撒く
- cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force; "She splashed the water around her"
- (液体を)特に力で跳ね掛けるようにする
- splosh, spatter, plash, swash, splash, splatter
- 撥ねかす, 撥ねかける, 跳ね掛ける, 撥掛ける, 跳ねかす, 撥ね掛ける, 跳ねかける, はね掛ける
- dash a liquid upon or against; "The mother splashed the baby's face with water"
- 液体を何かにかけるまたはその表面にかける
- splash
- mark or overlay with patches of contrasting color or texture; cause to appear splashed or spattered; "The mountain was splashed with snow"
- 色またはテクスチャーを対比するパッチで跡をつける、あるいはオーバーレイをかぶせる
- splosh, slosh, splash, slush
- make a splashing sound; "water was splashing on the floor"
- ジャージャーという水の音を立てる
- splash
- soil or stain with a splashed liquid
- はねた液体の汚れまたはしみ
- splash
- strike and dash about in a liquid; "The boys splashed around in the pool"
- 液体の周りのこぼれてはねかけられたもの
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