英日字典: stalk
KK Pronunciation
〔 stɒk 〕
〔 stɒ:k 〕
The stalk has 8 Senses.
- shuck, stubble, stalk, husk, straw, chaff
- 籾糠, 外殻, 粗皮, 外皮, 茎, 殻, もみがら, 粗糠, もみ殻, 籾殻, 外被
- material consisting of seed coverings and small pieces of stem or leaves that have been separated from the seeds
- 種子から離された種子の包皮、葉または茎の小さな断片で成る物質
- stalk, stem
- 茎, 柄, 幹
- a slender or elongated structure that supports a plant or fungus or a plant part or plant organ
- 植物、真菌、植物部位または植物器官を支える細長いまたは長い構造
- stalking, stalk, still hunt
- ストーキング
- a hunt for game carried on by following it stealthily or waiting in ambush
- ゲームの狩りは、こっそりつけまわすか、または待ち伏せで待つことにより進められた
- stalk, angry walk
- a stiff or threatening gait
- 断固とした、または脅すような足取り
- haunt, stalk
- 付纏う, 付き纏う, 付きまとう
- follow stealthily or recur constantly and spontaneously to; "her ex-boyfriend stalked her"; "the ghost of her mother haunted her"
- こっそりついて行く、または絶えず自然に繰り返す
- stalk
- 追跡
- go through (an area) in search of prey; "stalk the woods for deer"
- 獲物を捜して(エリアを)通り抜ける
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