英日字典: stretch_out
The stretch_out has 5 Senses.
- unfold, stretch, extend, stretch out
- 廓大, 押広げる, 郭大, 広める, 開展, 押延べる, 取りひろげる, 延ばす, 取り広げる, 延べる, 引き延す, 延長, 伸べる, 引き伸ばす, 伸べ広げる, 押し広げる, 拡がる, 広まる, 広ぐ, 伸びる, 引伸ばす, 広げる, 引延ばす, とり広げる, 拡大, 広がる, 伸び上がる, 引き延ばす, 延びる, 拡張, 伸展, 伸張, 拡げる, 展延, 伸ばす, 展開, 伸す, 押しひろげる, 伸長, 繰り広げる, 引き伸す, 延展
- extend or stretch out to a greater or the full length; "Unfold the newspaper"; "stretch out that piece of cloth"; "extend the TV antenna"
- より大きくまたは等身大に広げる、あるいは伸ばす
- stretch, stretch out
- lie down comfortably; "To enjoy the picnic, we stretched out on the grass"
- 楽にして横になる
- stretch forth, put out, hold out, extend, stretch out, exsert
- 突きだす, 差伸べる, 差出す, 差し伸ばす, 差し出す, 差延べる
- thrust or extend out; "He held out his hand"; "point a finger"; "extend a hand"; "the bee exserted its sting"
- 突き出す、または外に広げる
- stretch, stretch out
- extend one's body or limbs; "Let's stretch for a minute--we've been sitting here for over 3 hours"
- 人の体か手足を広げる
- crane, stretch out
- stretch (the neck) so as to see better; "The women craned their necks to see the President drive by"
- よりよく見るために、(首を)伸ばす
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