英日字典: submit
KK Pronunciation
〔 sәbˋmIt 〕
〔 sәbˊmit 〕
The submit has 10 Senses.
- submit, subject
- 付する, 任せる
- refer for judgment or consideration; "The lawyers submitted the material to the court"
- 判断または考慮について参照する
- posit, state, submit, put forward
- 申し立てる, 申し上げる, 表明, 陳じる, 申したてる, 言い立てる, 言立てる, 申立てる, 陳べる, 申し出る, 言いたてる, 提唱, 云う, 陳ずる, 申し述べる, 弁じ立てる, 述べる, 陳述
- put before; "I submit to you that the accused is guilty"
- 前に置く
- submit
- 屈する, 降参, 服従, 服する, 帰順
- yield to the control of another
- 別の支配に明け渡す
- submit, present
- 提出, 差し上げる, 渡す, 呈する, さし出す, 呈出, 手渡す, 差出す, 差しだす, 差し出す
- hand over formally
- 正式に譲り渡す
- pass on, relegate, submit
- 任せる
- refer to another person for decision or judgment; "She likes to relegate difficult questions to her colleagues"
- 決定または判断について別の人に問い合わせる
- defer, submit, bow, give in, accede
- 屈する, 服する
- yield to another's wish or opinion; "The government bowed to the military pressure"
- 別の願望または意見に屈する
- put in, submit
- 過ごす
- make an application as for a job or funding; "We put in a grant to the NSF"
- 仕事または資金提供のようなものを申し込む
- render, submit
- 渡す, 与える, 差し出す
- make over as a return; "They had to render the estate"
- 返却として譲り渡す
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