

英日字典: sycamore

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˋsIkәˏmor,-ˏmɒr 〕


〔 ˊsikәmɒː 〕

The sycamore has 4 Senses.

  • sycamore, lacewood
  • variably colored and sometimes variegated hard tough elastic wood of a sycamore tree
  • 様々な色があり、時に斑入りの、堅く、柔軟性のあるアメリカスズカケの木の材

  • sycamore, platan, plane tree
  • スズカケノキ
  • any of several trees of the genus Platanus having thin pale bark that scales off in small plates and lobed leaves and ball-shaped heads of fruits
  • 薄い色の樹皮は薄くはがれ落ち、葉には切れ込みがあり、果実の頭部は球状になっているプラタナス属の高木

  • sycamore, acer pseudoplatanus, great maple, scottish maple
  • Eurasian maple tree with pale grey bark that peels in flakes like that of a sycamore tree; leaves with five ovate lobes yellow in autumn
  • アメリカスズカケノキ木のもののような剥片の中でむける青ざめた灰色のほえ声を伴うユーラシアのカエデ木

  • mulberry fig, sycamore, ficus sycomorus, sycamore fig
  • thick-branched wide-spreading tree of Africa and adjacent southwestern Asia often buttressed with branches rising from near the ground; produces cluster of edible but inferior figs on short leafless twigs; the biblical sycamore
  • アフリカの厚い枝分かれした広まっている木としばしば、地面からそびえている支店で強化される隣接した南西部アジア

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