英日字典: threaten
KK Pronunciation
〔 ˋθrєtN 〕
〔 ˊθretn 〕
The threaten has 3 Senses.
- threaten
- 脅しつける, 嚇す, 脅し付ける, 劫かす, 脅す, 威嚇, 威す, 恐嚇, 威かす, 脅かす, 脅やかす, 凄む, 脅嚇, 脅迫, 嚇かす, 恐喝
- to utter intentions of injury or punishment against:"He threatened me when I tried to call the police"
- に対して損傷または処罰の意図を発するために:
- threaten
- to be a menacing indication of something:"The clouds threaten rain"; "Danger threatens"
- 何かの脅威を与える兆候となること:
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