英日字典: turn_on
The turn_on has 7 Senses.
- switch on, turn on
- 点ける
- cause to operate by flipping a switch; "switch on the light"; "turn on the stereo"
- スイッチを入れて作動させる
- hinge on, depend upon, depend on, devolve on, turn on, hinge upon, ride
- 掛かる, 依る, 因る, 懸る, 掛る, 由る, 懸かる, 拠る, 依存
- be contingent on; "The outcomes rides on the results of the election"; "Your grade will depends on your homework"
- 次第に
- turn on
- produce suddenly or automatically; "Turn on the charm"; "turn on the waterworks"
- 突然また自動的に作る
- turn on
- 寇する, 仇する, 向う, 向かう
- become hostile towards; "The dog suddenly turned on the mailman"
- 敵対的になる
- trip out, trip, turn on, get off
- 旅行
- get high, stoned, or drugged; "He trips every weekend"
- ハイになる、薬物の影響を受ける、あるいは薬物の影響下に入る
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