英日字典: turn_over
The turn_over has 9 Senses.
- pass on, give, turn over, pass, reach, hand
- 渡す, 手渡す, 遣す, 引き渡す, 譲る, 寄越す, 譲渡す
- place into the hands or custody of; "hand me the spoon, please"; "Turn the files over to me, please"; "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"
- 手の中に置くまたは、の拘置
- bowl over, knock over, turn over, tip over, tump over, overturn, upset
- 転ぷく, 引っくり返す, 反す, 引っ繰り返す, でんぐり返す, 打ち倒す, 転覆, 顛覆, 覆らす, ひっくりかえす, 覆す, 引繰返す, 倒す, 転がす, ひっくり返す, 引繰り返す
- cause to overturn from an upright or normal position; "The cat knocked over the flower vase"; "the clumsy customer turned over the vase"; "he tumped over his beer"
- 直立したか通常の位置からひっくり返えさせる
- roll, turn over
- 転がる, 転げる
- move by turning over or rotating; "The child rolled down the hill"; "turn over on your left side"
- ひっくり返るか、回転することにより動く
- turn over, dig, cut into, delve
- turn up, loosen, or remove earth; "Dig we must"; "turn over the soil for aeration"
- 地をひっくり返す、緩ませる、あるいは取り除く
- turn over
- do business worth a certain amount of money; "The company turns over ten million dollars a year"
- ある程度のお金の価値があるビジネスをする
- turn over, turn
- はぐる, 捲る
- cause to move around a center so as to show another side of; "turn a page of a book"
- もう一方の側を見せるように真ん中部分を動かすようにする
- turn over, tip over, tump over, overturn
- 覆る, 翻る, 反転, 反す, 覆す, 引っ繰り返る, 引っくり返る, 反る
- turn from an upright or normal position; "The big vase overturned"; "The canoe tumped over"
- 直立したか通常の位置から離れる
- flip, turn over, flip over
- 反転, 覆す, 反る, ひっくり返す
- turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse; "flip over the pork chop"; "turn over the pancakes"
- 逆さにするまたは反対になるように投げる
- deliberate, moot, turn over, debate, consider
- 熟考, 考え抜く, 熟思, 思索, 潜考, 考慮, 按ずる, 思議, 慮る, 考えぬく, 思慮, 案ずる, もの案じ, 熟慮, 熟案, 思量, 思いめぐらす, 思料, 潜思, 料簡, 勘考, 思案, 案じる, 考察
- think about carefully; weigh; "They considered the possibility of a strike"; "Turn the proposal over in your mind"
- 慎重に思い遣る
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