英日字典: 考慮
12 文書を見つけるための辞書。
- consideration
- 熟思, 検討, 考査, 考慮, 省察, 顧慮, 論考, 考究, 考察
- a discussion of a topic (as in a meeting); "consideration of the traffic problem took more than an hour"
- テーマの議論(会議でのように)
- regard, heed, attentiveness, paying attention
- 配慮, 気配り, 考慮, 配意, 顧慮, 心遣い, 関心, 留意
- paying particular notice (as to children or helpless people); "his attentiveness to her wishes"; "he spends without heed to the consequences"
- (子供や無力な人々に対して)特に注意を払うこと
- intellection, cerebration, thinking, thought, mentation, thought process
- 思惟作用, 大脳作用, 思索, 考えること, 考慮, 了簡, 思慮, 知的活動, 思量, 念慮, 思考, 思料, 慮り, 了見, 思念, 料簡, 思惟, 思案
- the process of using your mind to consider something carefully; "thinking always made him frown"; "she paused for thought"
- 慎重に何かを考慮するというあなたの頭を使う過程
- deliberation, calculation
- 熟考, 熟思, 考慮, 心算, 熟慮
- planning something carefully and intentionally; "it was the deliberation of his act that was insulting"
- 注意深く計画的に手はずを整えること
- thoughtfulness, consideration
- 有償, 振り合い, 商量, しん酌, 検討, 振合い, 考慮, 省察, 顧慮, 手心, 思い遣り, 一考, 斟酌, 思案, 思いやり, 考察
- a considerate and thoughtful act
- 思いやりのある、思慮深い行為
- view, consider, look at
- 考える, 思い見る, 検分, 惟みる, 考え抜く, 思索, 思見る, 潜考, 考慮, 思議, 省察, 惟る, 考えぬく, 思慮, 思量, 思いめぐらす, 思料, 潜思, 勘考, 思案, 考察
- look at carefully; study mentally; "view a problem"
- 慎重に見る
- weigh, consider, count
- 酌量, 勘定, 勘える, 考慮, 顧慮, 参酌, 斟酌, 勘考
- show consideration for; take into account; "You must consider her age"; "The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient"
- 思いやりを示す
- deliberate, moot, turn over, debate, consider
- 熟考, 考え抜く, 熟思, 思索, 潜考, 考慮, 按ずる, 思議, 慮る, 考えぬく, 思慮, 案ずる, もの案じ, 熟慮, 熟案, 思量, 思いめぐらす, 思料, 潜思, 料簡, 勘考, 思案, 案じる, 考察
- think about carefully; weigh; "They considered the possibility of a strike"; "Turn the proposal over in your mind"
- 慎重に思い遣る
- study, consider
- 考える, 思い見る, 惟みる, 思索, 検討, 思見る, 潜考, 考慮, 思議, 慮る, 惟る, 思慮, 案ずる, 思量, 思考, 潜思, 料簡, 思惟, 思案, 案じる
- give careful consideration to; "consider the possibility of moving"
- よく考える、慎重審議する
- deal, consider, look at, take
- 考える, 勘える, みる, 考慮, 一考, 一顧
- take into consideration for exemplifying purposes; "Take the case of China"; "Consider the following case"
- 目的を例示することを考慮に入れる
- consider
- 考慮
- regard or treat with consideration, respect, and esteem; "Please consider your family"
- 考慮、尊敬と評価により尊重するまたは扱う
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