

英日字典: unitary

KK Pronunciation

〔 ˋjunәˏtєrI 〕


〔 ˊjuːnitәri 〕

The unitary has 4 Senses.

  • unitary
  • relating to or characterized by or aiming toward unity; "the unitary principles of nationalism"; "a unitary movement in politics"
  • 統一へ向かってまたはそれによって特徴づけられるまたはそれに関する

  • unitary
  • of or pertaining to or involving the use of units; "a unitary method was applied"; "established a unitary distance on which to base subsequent calculations"
  • ユニットの使用に関系するまたはそれに関するまたはそれの

  • unitary
  • characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is held by one central authority; "a unitary as opposed to a federal form of government"
  • 権力が1つの中央当局に保持される政府の形に特徴づけられる、または、権力が1つの中央当局に保持される政府の形を構成する

  • unitary, one
  • having the indivisible character of a unit; "a unitary action"; "spoke with one voice"
  • 分割できない単位性質を持っているさま

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