英日字典: wrap
KK Pronunciation
〔 ræp 〕
〔 ræp 〕
The wrap has 7 Senses.
- wrap
- ラップ
- a sandwich in which the filling is rolled up in a soft tortilla
- 具財が柔らかいトルティーヤで巻かれるサンドイッチ
- wrapping, wrap, wrapper
- 包装, 包み
- the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped
- 物を包んでいる(普通紙やセロファンの)包装
- wrap, wrap up
- 覆う, 裹む, 包む, 被う, 掩う
- arrange or fold as a cover or protection; "wrap the baby before taking her out"; "Wrap the present"
- 覆いまたは保護として調整するまたは包む
- roll, wind, twine, wrap
- 巻き付ける, 巻く, 捲く
- arrange or or coil around; "roll your hair around your finger"; "Twine the thread around the spool"; "She wrapped her arms around the child"
- アレンジする、または巻きつける
- enfold, enwrap, wrap, enclose, envelop
- 覆う, 包める, 包む, 蔽う, 包み込む, 包みこむ, 掩う
- enclose or enfold completely with or as if with a covering; "Fog enveloped the house"
- 覆いまたはそのようなもので、完全に同封するまたは包む
- wrap
- crash into so as to coil around; "The teenager wrapped his car around the fire hydrant"
- 巻きつくように推し進める
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