

英日字典: かえりみる


  • 省みる


    to look back
    (e.g. over shoulder or at the past)
    to turn around

    to reflect on the past
    to reconsider
    to review


    (esp. 省みる)
    to reflect on oneself
    to introspect
    to contemplate oneself

    to consider
    (usu. used in negative)
    to concern oneself about
    to pay attention to
    to take into consideration


  • 顧る


    to look back
    (e.g. over shoulder or at the past)
    to turn around

    to reflect on the past
    to reconsider
    to review


    (esp. 省みる)
    to reflect on oneself
    to introspect
    to contemplate oneself

    to consider
    (usu. used in negative)
    to concern oneself about
    to pay attention to
    to take into consideration


  • 顧みる


    to look back
    (e.g. over shoulder or at the past)
    to turn around

    to reflect on the past
    to reconsider
    to review


    (esp. 省みる)
    to reflect on oneself
    to introspect
    to contemplate oneself

    to consider
    (usu. used in negative)
    to concern oneself about
    to pay attention to
    to take into consideration


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